Remember that time you came back from the vets and were bit wobbly on your feet and we talked about italic text?
Talked about what?
I thought so. You were being a bit weird.
You can click here to refresh your memory, if you like.
Aria's Was Not Quite Right After The Vets
Italic styling is like normal text except that it leans slightly; just like Aria was when she got back after her injections at the vets.
You might want to use italic text to draw attention to certain sentences or to highlight a quote.
You already said we covered this before.
So why are we doing it again?
Yes, before we talked about how to add italic text using CSS.
But you can also do it using HTML.
Here is an example of what you can do with CSS:
These words are wobbly. Like Aria after her injections.
And here is what you could do with HTML:
These words are wobbly. Like Aria after her injections.
When using CSS to show italic text, the whole paragraph element will be in italics. But, using HTML, you can make certain words within the paragraph element styled with italics. So this way, you have slightly more control in what you want to highlight.
So what is the HTML tag for showing text in italics?
It’s the i tag, so it’s quite easy to remember.
<i> </i>
Remember to use both the opening and closing tags inside your paragraph element. Here is an example of it in use:
<p><i> </i></p>
<p><i>These words are wobbly.</i> Like Aria after her injections.</p>
Use the box below to try out your own sentences and see what different parts of them look like in italics.
These words are wobbly. Like Aria after her injections.
Hopefully this time, Aria will remember this conversation!