You will learn:
What websites are and what they're made from.
HTML coding language.
How to use HTML to build your own website.
The basics of CSS to style your website.
How to share your website with others.
Every so often, when I am working on developing a website or creating a new app, I will see two furry ears appear over the top of my screen. Shortly after, the owner of these two little ears will start rubbing her face along the corner of my screen. Usually this is when I am not giving her, Aria, enough attention.
The two little, furry ears belong to my cat Aria. She has black, white and grey fur and distinctive white fur on her paws which make her looks like she’s wearing white socks. Like all cats, she likes dozing in warm places, eating and distracting me. Once she’s bored of rubbing her face on my screen she curls up on my lap, right in between me and my laptop, and she asks.
What are you doing?
I tell her I’m working on a new website and ask what she wants.
Well I wondered if it was time for you to feed me?
I fed you breakfast an hour ago!
Yes, but what about second breakfast or my mid-morning snack?
Normally once Aria knows she isn’t getting any more food she will leave and find somewhere to sleep or something of mine to scratch, but this time she stayed and waited. Eventually she said.
Ok, the real reason I am here isn’t because I want more food.
Although if you’re offering I’ll happily munch down on that good stuff.
The real reason is I was hoping that you would help me make my own website?
Your own website?
Why do you want to make a website?
Well it’s a useful skill to know, plus it looks like fun and I am quite creative you know.
Also I have some important thoughts that I need to share, so I might start a blog.
Aria Learning How To Code (Probably Asleep)
She actually has a point. Website development and coding are useful skills to know and it is fun and it’s a good way to be creative but what could she want to write in her blog?
As you may well know cats do a lot of sleeping. They do a serious amount of sleeping. Aria is no different as she often sleeps for more than 18 hours a day, so what could she possibly have to share?
Well I would share the best places for dozing.
And tell people about my favourite food or the best things to scratch around the house.
You don’t scratch things around the house do you?
Or I’d write about my opinions on dogs. People need to know.
As much as I don’t like the idea of her writing anti-dog propaganda, I agree to teach her how to make herself a website just as long as she promises to stop kicking her “presents” out of her litter tray.
This website will document my conversations with Aria on how I explained to her how to create her own website. Hopefully it will help you too! If you haven’t made a website or done any coding before, don’t worry, neither has Aria; in fact, as far as I know, she’s never used a computer before.
She's Awake! (For Once)
Our conversations started by covering the basic topics and progressed to adding content to her website and then styling that content. Eventually we discussed uploading the finished website to a hosting server (which isn’t someone who brings you food as Aria initially thought) so that everyone can see what you’ve made.
Aria, you haven’t actually been scratching things in the house have you?
You’ll just have to wait and read it on my website just like everybody else.
What are websites? Well they are like library books for computers but also like cat food.
Learn all about what websites are, how they are made and how you see them.
Click here to learn more...
HTML is the basic language for making websites but it’s also exactly the same as cat food sachets.
Learn what HTML is and how to its basic elements to create your first webpage.
Click here to learn more...
CSS lets you style your own website so it looks exactly how you want it to. Aria is excited as it involves salmon!
Learn how to add CSS to your website and perfect your website.
Click here to learn more...