Over these lessons we will cover the basic properties of CSS so you can make your website look exactly how you want it to. For Aria, no doubt this will mean just more of her.

By the end you'll know.

  • What CSS is.
  • How to add CSS to your web pages.
  • How to use classes and ids to simplify your CSS.
  • How to style text on your website.
  • How to make images on your website the right size.
  • How to position your HTML elements.
  • How to add colours throughout your website.


CSS has been mentioned a lot but what exactly is it? Also, Aria discovers her favourite colour.

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In-Line CSS

Now that Aria has found her favourite colour, we can finally start to add some CSS to individual HTML elements.

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Internal CSS

Here we learn about another way of adding CSS code and Aria learns that leaving a mess in your code, just like in life, is never a good idea.

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External CSS

Aria learns how to clean up her mess. Unfortunately, this only applies to her code and not her litter tray.

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Text Align

Aria learns that just because she sits where she wants, the text on her website can't.

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Font Size

In this lesson, we learn how to control the size of your font on your website. From tiny text for kittens to big words for big paws. I also give Aria a scare over my shopping list.

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Font Style

Aria was a bit wobbly after having just returned from the vets, which reminded me of our the next CSS property we had to cover.

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Here we learn how to set how tall our HTML elements are and that there are boxes that are too small, even for her to nap in.

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After talking about height, it makes sense that we talk about setting width using CSS. Unfortunately, Aria thinks I am trying to hint at a, well, a wider issue.

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Font Weight

I really am not trying to give Aria a complex! Now we talk about font weight and Aria confuses boldness with having no hair.

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Font Family

Now we can finally look at picking a font for your website. There's lots to choose from.

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Aria enjoys having some space around her when she naps; especially on the sofa. And guess what! So do HTML elements.

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Project #2: About Me Styling

Now that we've looked at some CSS, it's time to revisit our About Me page and see how we improve it with all the CSS we have covered so far. Unfortunately for Aria, this does mean we need to make the selfie she shared slightly smaller.

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Colours are so important for personalising your website. But there are so many ways to define each colour. We quickly learn Aria's favourite colour, and yes, it is food related.

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Background Colour

Now we know all about colours, lets look at the what difference the background colour makes to our web pages. Aria get distracted by a blanket that doesn't exist and some tasty looking boxes.

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Max Height and Width

Sometimes, and it's nobody's fault, things just get too big. No I'm not talking about Aria and her eating habits. I'm talking about pictures and divs mainly. Honest.

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Min Height and Width

Aria is very keen on learning how to set a minimum size of her photos. Otherwise they might be too small to properly see her face! She's less keen after I talk about an example related to the V E T S.

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This lesson is about padding and how it is different to using margins in CSS. We also revisit Aria's favourite reminder: Tired. Rub Belly Lots.

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Text Colour

Here Aria learns how to change the colour of the text on her website. Which is good opportunity for her to revisit her favourite colour: Salmon.

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Aria is very keen on setting borders around areas where she naps. And now she can do it with her HTML elements.

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Border Radius

We know Aria loves a good box. With borders she can put boxes around her HTML elements. But how about a more modern look.

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Text Decoration

Wow text decoration sounds very shiny and showy. Sorry, it's a bit underwhelming but well worth knowing.

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Project #3: Button Copycat

Here we look at combining several CSS properties to make a link which looks just like a button. It's a link hiding and pretending to be a button. It's a button copycat.

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Everyone has a favourite side of the sofa; Aria does and she won't share it. With the float property you can position HTML elements next to each. Hopefully after Aria and I will be able to position ourselves next to each other on the sofa, rather than her taking up the whole thing.

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Aria likes to nap on anything unusual but sometimes she likes her comfortable things to be moved. It's time to look at the position property which helps you move your HTML elements and me move Aria's blankets.

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More Coming Soon

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