Basic HTML

This series of lessons gives an introduction to HTML and covers all of the basic terminology and basic HTML elements you will need to make your first website and start sharing all your favourite places to sleep, or maybe that's just Aria.

By the end you'll know.

  • How to name your HTML files.
  • What HTML tags and HTML elements are.
  • The essential parts to your HTML files.
  • How to add titles and other headings to each page.
  • Which HTML element to use for text on your website.
  • How to add two types of list to your website.
  • What id and classes mean for HTML elements.
  • What links are for and how to add them to your website.
  • How to add pictures to your website..

HTML Files

HTML files store HTML code, but what is HTML code made up of? But more importantly, just how do you say HTML?

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In this lesson you'll learn what HTML tags look like. Well at least what HTML tags look like if they were written by a cat trying to summon their own dinner.

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Required Tags

You're finally ready to write some code, so what are the essential HTML tags that are needed on every page? The key is in basic cat anatomy.

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HTML Elements

All this talk on creating HTML elements using HTML tags is great, but where do you write each tag? Aria knows lunch comes after breakfast but how does a browser know?

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HTML Title

We are ready to start to start adding HTML elements to your page. Where better to start than at the top with the title?

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HTML Headings

So your main title is in place, now it's time to add other headings to your page. But how many different headings are there? Somehow, Aria already knows the answer.

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Big titles are great but most of the words on your website will be normal text, like this. In this lesson you'll learn how to add text to your website and why my garden smells so bad.

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HTML Lists

Aria has some very important information to share; how she likes to be fed. In this lesson you'll learn, step by step, how to write your own step by step instructions as lists with HTML.

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ID and Classes

We give people, items and pets names and we also give HTML elements names. This lesson explains how to uniquely identify each HTML element and how to group similar elements together.

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HTML Links

Links are how you move around a website they are basically digital catflaps. Find out how to add your own links by going through the digital cat flap below.

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HTML Pictures

Finally the moment Aria has been waiting for. She finally gets to learn how she can add pictures of herself to her website.

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Project #1 - About Me

It's time to start putting it all together. The page Aria is most excited about adding to her website is the About Me page, so lets have a look at what it an About Me page could have on it and how we can use the HTML tags we have covered so far.

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Bold Text

There's even more HTML tags! And some of them can be used to add some style to our website. One such tag makes text extra fluffy.

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Italic Text

We have talked about italic text before, but it was after Aria had been at the vets, so it is probably best that we revisit it. But this time we can use HTML.

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We learn all about divs which basically help split your HTML elements into sections. Aria takes some moral high ground as she claims to organise her litter tray.

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More Coming Soon

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