As we learnt before, it is inside the body of your HTML file that we add the content we want to show, like text, images and videos. To add these HTML elements inside the body, you add the full HTML tag, including the opening and ending parts, inside the body tag.
All the HTML elements you want to show should have their HTML tags written after the opening part of the body tag and before the start of the closing part of the tag, which is the part with the forward slash.
<body> ADD CODE HERE </body>
When a computer reads your file it reads it from top to bottom, exactly how we read pages in a book. So the HTML elements at the top are read first and so get shown first at the top of your page. Any elements added after will be shown afterwards and so further down the screen. If Aria were to write her food throughout the day as HTML tags, it might look like this:
<breakfast> </breakfast>
<elevensies> </elevensies>
<lunch> </lunch>
<snack> </snack>
<dinner> </dinner>
<munchies> </munchies>
Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. But Where Are The Snacks?
This doesn’t look right.
Is it the spacing? I’ve just done that to make it easier to read.
By spacing tags out, you can see what elements sit within other elements.
No it’s not that.
Well I’ve not used real HTML tags here.
It’s just to show you the importance of the order in which you write your code.
If all of that were to go into my body, eventually some of it will have to come out.
Let’s move on.
While these aren’t real HTML tags, the tags written at the top would be read first and therefore shown on your website first, much like how here breakfast is written first as it is the first meal of the day and munchies is last because it's the last meal of the day.
Everything in between was eaten in the order it is written and if it were real HTML it would be shown in this order too.