Previously we learnt about heading tags which were used to display a big, bold title on your webpage. You may have noticed that there is a number in our heading tag. The heading element was made using the h1 tag.
If there is a h1 tag, are there others?
That is a good question. Yes, there are, can you guess how many.
Well I have a head, four legs and one tail, so it must be 6.
That makes no sense.
Why would the number of heading tags have anything to do with how many legs you have.
Well am I right?
I have no idea how but you are right.
There are 6 heading tags.
Each one is written just like every other HTML tag but using either the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Each of these elements looks slightly different with the text getting smaller and less bold as the number increases. Using h1 produces the biggest and boldest text and using h6 gives you the smallest, least bold text.
You may want to use h2 or h3 as a headline on a webpage. If you use h1 to show the name of the website, the other tags might show the name or title of the page or give an introduction to what this particular page is about.
Look at these examples and add your own h2 or h3 tag to your code.
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
Here's what the h1 and h2 tags look like as HTML elements:
Here is an example Aria made, including what it looks like underneath.
<h1>Aria The Cat's Website!</h1>
<h2>Where Should I Doze Today?</h2>
<h3>My favourite places to sleep.</h3>
#5 On The List - Towels!
Try each of the headings by changing the code below to use each of the heading tags. Remember, the number in both the opening and closing tag defines what type of heading is shown. Do the different titles look like you expected them to?
When you see the h2 element and the h3 element next to each other you see the difference in appearance. The h1 and h6 tags are very different as h1 is the largest and boldest and h6 is the smallest. Try using the other heading tags in your code, so you can see what each of them look like.